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Works and Days: From Vine to Wine (Les Travaux et les jours : de la vigne au vin)

2017. Dry pastel, 40 x 30 cm

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“Like an eclosion. 

The vine becomes the centre of attention while we await the precious liquid. A slow, fragile evolution. The subject of immense concentration, like the painter’s creation.

In winter, the Burgundy vine lies in plots on the foggy ground. Somewhat severe. Patience. The first shoots will emerge in the spring.

And then summer bursts forth. The grapes ripen, to be plucked in the golden light of late summer, amidst laughter and song. 

Creation flows step by step, never discouraged, with humility and determination. The painter’s harvest emerges in a specific state of joy, in a kinf of osmosis with Nature, a secret song which captures all.

Profound jubilation.

Bertrand Sallard’s pastels are color combinations elaborated with a sure hand to celebrate the changing universe, as well as hours of friendship and reflection. The colors and textures that make up his pastel palette may be fragile and delicate, but they exude strength and power. Because his seasons of the vine are also the seasons of the soul.

Like a private Book of Hours.

This symphony of colors is meant to warm us up, to encourage us to work tirelessly towards the harmony of the senses. The colors can be juxtaposed endlessly according to any number of schemas; they surprise us, like a Book of Hours to be enjoyed slowly, bringing us ever closer to a sense of accomplishment and joy.”



Catherine Delamarre

©  2020  Le Musée Virtuel du Vin - The Virtual Wine Museum

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